Bird Banding Orientation and Refresher (2 Days)

Riveredge Nature Center 4458 County Hwy Y (Hawthorne Dr), Saukville

This 2-day orientation involves an indoor classroom day and an outdoor banding demonstration day. Returning volunteers (those that regularly attend any of the bird banding efforts at Riveredge) are encouraged to attend this orientation as a refresher.

Become a Water Action Volunteer

Riveredge Nature Center 4458 County Hwy Y (Hawthorne Dr), Saukville

Learn how to assess the water quality of a nearby stream or river. Conduct tests monthly during the summer and submit their data to the statewide website.

Volunteer and Learn: Herbaceous Invasive Species Management

Riveredge Nature Center 4458 County Hwy Y (Hawthorne Dr), Saukville

Please join us for a day of working and learning together as we strive to control invasive species, like garlic mustard and dames rocket, at Riveredge.

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