Greetings, BugFans,

As long-time BugFans know, the BugLady gets a kick out of weevils. She found these cute little Iris weevils (Mononychus vulpeculus) recently, scampering around on flowers at the Ozaukee Washington Land Trust’s Cedarburg Environmental Study Area (CESA) site (for directions to and maps of their properties, see Obviously, iris weevils are not exclusive to iris – the BugLady sees them on ox-eye daisy and daisy fleabane (she did find two of them sitting on an iris petal that had tiny holes punched in it, but they were camera shy). Iris weevils were half of an episode about weevils that was posted four years ago

For a story about another CESA adventure, see
Support your local Land Trust.
Kate Redmond, The BugLady
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