Ways to Give

the riveredge Mission

To support conservation through education that awakens curiosity, engages the body, and explores connections to nature for all people.

When you give to Riveredge, you directly help to expand our legacy of environmental conservation and grow our capacity to create connections to nature for all people. Your gift ensures that we can to continue to increase our positive impact in Southeastern Wisconsin. As a private 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, our work is only possible through generous contributions from people like you. The majority of the giving options are tax-deductible. Read details on giving methods below!

Riveredge’s Federal Tax ID Number (EIN) is 39-6108549.

By Mail Check or Cash

Donations, memberships, and other payments can be mailed to Riveredge at

Riveredge Nature Center
PO Box 26
Newburg, WI 53060

We appreciate gifts by cash or check so we can avoid paying credit card processing fees.

Online Card, ACH/E-check, or Paypal Payments
Undesignated/ Annual Fund Gifts, Capital Fund, Memorials, Honorariums, and Designated Gifts

Our online forms offer many payment options including card, ACH or E-check from a checking account, or through Paypal. The online form allows you to choose a designation for your gift and the ability to dedicate your donation in honor or memory of someone.

Donation Form

Recurring Giving Monthly, Quarterly, and Annual options

Want to budget your giving or spread it out throughout the year?

Riveredge has the option to give monthly, quarterly, or annually. You can set up you gift using the donate form. Simply change the tab at the top of the form from Donate Once to Donate (your choice of frequency). You can set an optional start and end date for your recurring donation to better budget your gift.

Donation Form

For quarterly and annual gifts, you will receive and email notification before your gift is processed. Your recurring gift can be changed or cancelled at any time by logging into the Riveredge Portal or by contacting the development department at 262-375-2715 / [email protected]

Memorials and Honorariums Tribute gift options

Riveredge Nature Center accepts dedicated gifts in honor of living individuals or in memory of those who have passed. If you would like to give a tribute gift, include dedication information when submitting the online donation form or include in the memo line if mailing a check.

Tribute Options

Create a lasting tribute and become a part of the beautiful Riveredge landscape with a brick, tree planting, or bench. Contact the Development Office at (262) 375-2715 to set up a memorial fund for a loved one or customize something special to honor them at Riveredge.

More Information

Donor Advised Funds DAF Giving

A donor-advised fund (DAF) is an investment account through a sponsoring organization (i.e. Fidelity Charitable, DAFgiving360/Schwab Charitable, Vanguard Charitable, Greater Milwaukee Foundation, etc.) that is used for charitable giving. DAFs combine immediate tax benefits and deductions with the ability to easily support your favorite charities. Once you contribute to a DAF, the money is considered an irrevocable gift to the sponsoring organization. You then recommend grants to qualified charities like Riveredge!

Donors who give through DAFs cannot receive more than an incidental benefit, so it cannot be used for the ticket price for the Riveredge Farm to Table Dinner for example.

If you’ve already made a Donor-Advised Fund grant to Riveredge, please let us know. You can email Sharon Cross at [email protected].

IRA and Retirement Accounts Distribution Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)/ Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)

Individuals who are 70.5 years old or older can give up to $105,000 tax free from your IRA directly to a qualified charity like Riveredge. The transfer generates neither taxable income nor a tax deduction, so you benefit even if you do not itemize your deductions.

When you turn 73 you must take a required minimum distribution (RMD) from your IRA. A charitable gift is a great way to meet this requirement and support Riveredge Nature Center.

To make a gift, please contact your IRA  administrator (Fidelity, Schwab, Vanguard, Edward Jones, etc.)

Donate Stock

When donating stock, you may take a tax deduction for the median value on the date of transfer with the added benefit of eliminating capital gains taxes on the transfer.

Please note that many stock transfers are processed through financial institutions without any donor contact information, making it difficult to properly acknowledge your gift. Before initiating your transfer, it would be great if you could email us at [email protected] to provide the information below:

  • what stock you will be sending
  • the number of shares or its approximate value
  • your name and address


Stock gifts to Riveredge can be sent to:

ATTN: Daniel Koth
777 E Wisconsin Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53202
DTC# 0547
Acct# 7115-3523
Phone number 414-765-3570

Planned Giving Maple Leaf Legacy Society

Those who love Riveredge often leave a legacy gift in their wills or trusts to help promote conservation and environmental education for future generations.

Planned gifts can be in the form of a bequest, life insurance, retirement plan, charitable remainder trust or appreciated assets.

More Information

Workplace Giving and Matching Gift Programs Check with your employer

Workplace Giving

  • Giving Platforms or Payroll Deductions – If your employer utilizes an employee giving platform or employer-sponsored payroll deduction campaigns, you can select Riveredge Nature Center, Inc. as the beneficiary of your donations. You can find us on Benevity, YourCause, Bright Funds, CyberGrants, and more. Riveredge’s Federal Tax ID Number (EIN) is 39-6108549.


Matching Gifts

Many companies have programs where they will match the charitable contributions made by their employees. Through corporate gift matching, your employer can multiply the impact of your volunteer hours, donations, and/or membership. Reach out to your company’s personnel department to explore what options may be available.

How Matching Gifts Work

  • Step One – Make your donation or purchase a membership.
    Save your receipt.
  • Step Two – Request a match.
    Each employer has their own process. There is likely a form that you will need to fill out or an online portal to submit your match request.
  • Step Three – Employer confirms and your contribution is verified.
    Your employer will reach out to Riveredge to confirm the contribution or request more information. We will verify and submit the information on our end.
  • Step Four – Employer sends gift to Riveredge
    When we receive the matching funds, we will send you a message to let you know and give you our thanks!

Corporate and Foundation Sponsorships Event Sponsor Benefits and Corporate Membership

Become a Member

Take advantage of all the benefits of a Riveredge membership year round!

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