Ozaukee Washington Bird Coalition
Project Snowstorm
Banding and Tracking of Snowy Owls and Red-shouldered Hawks in Wisconsin: Where Were They Before and Where Are They Going Next?
Gene Jacobs, researcher and raptor specialist affiliated with the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, has been capturing and banding owls and hawks of all kinds for more than 50 years. Join us in person at 7 PM on April 6, 2022 at Lac Lawrann Conservancy where Gene will share some of his most remarkable findings about these two birds of prey. (Note: Gene may be accompanied by a very special feathered guest!)
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Project Snowstorm
Banding and Tracking of Snowy Owls and Red-shouldered Hawks in Wisconsin: Where Were They Before and Where Are They Going Next?
Every winter, Snowy Owls drift down into our fair State in search of food and maybe also adventure(!?!) Not too long ago hundreds of “”Snowies”” were scattered across the Wisconsin landscape. Will we have another irruption in 2022? This charismatic species of Harry Potter legend has captured the hearts and imaginations of Wisconsinites who have been lucky enough to have seen one in the wild. What drives these irruptions and where do these iconic birds go from here? Red-shouldered Hawks, another iconic species, are resident breeders in some areas of the state but rare elsewhere. So what’s their story? Where are they headed to as the Snowy Owl descends and what is their pattern of movement across the land?
Gene Jacobs, researcher and raptor specialist affiliated with the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, has been capturing and banding owls and hawks of all kinds for more than 50 years. Join us in person or by Zoom at 7 PM on January 5, 2022 at Lac Lawrann Conservancy where Gene will share some of his most remarkable findings about these two birds of prey. (Note: Gene may be accompanied by a very special feathered guest!)