Reports from the Field

Bug o’ the Week – Brown Lacewing

Hey, BugFans, One of the last bugs to grace the BugLady’s porch light in autumn is the brown lacewing (she sees its jewel-like cousin, the green lacewing, in mid-to-late summer).  […]


Bug o’the Week – Slaty Skimmer Dragonfly

Howdy, BugFans, Thanksgiving looms, and the BugLady would like to give thanks for Slaty Skimmers. Dragonflies come in all sizes and colors – inch-long, orange amberwings; the slim, red presence […]


Bug o’the week – Splendid Dwarf Spider

Salutations, BugFans, The BugLady saw these Splendid dwarf spiders (Hypselistes florens) when she did her dandelion survey (of recent BOTW fame) (unlike the large orb weavers of fall, these dwarf […]


Bug o’the Week – Anglewings

Howdy, BugFans, The BugLady was chasing a very jumpy Eastern Comma butterfly around her driveway (with a camera) the other day.  Commas are in the Brushfoot family, Nymphalidae, in the […]


Bug o’the Week – Northern Walkingstick

Salutations, BugFans, The (outdoor) bug season is winding down (the BugLady has been Mushroom/LichenLady, of late), but there are still some insects to be found. She was excited to see […]


Bug of the Week – A Jumping Spider’s Story

Salutations, BugFans, Recently, the BugLady sent a series of not-so-good pictures to her go-to spider guy, BugFan Mike, and his explanation inspired this episode.  Thanks, Mike, as always. The BugLady’s […]


Bug o’the Week – Flies without Bios I

Greetings, BugFans, The BugLady confesses that she and her camera walk past lots of small flies without stopping because there are already too many flies in her “X-files” (she labels […]


Bug o’the Week – Giant Eastern Crane Fly

Hey, BugFans, Isn’t this an awesome insect?  It’s got an inch-and-a-half long body, a three inch wingspread, and a four inch “leg-spread!”  The BugLady looks forward to finding them in […]


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