Maple Syrup Supper
Maple Syrup Supper
We can’t think of a better group to celebrate the start of the maple sugarin’ season with than our awesome members!
We can’t think of a better group to celebrate the start of the maple sugarin’ season with than our awesome members!
We can’t think of a better group to celebrate the start of the maple sugarin’ season with than our awesome members!
These naturalist guided experiences are designed with 45 minutes of structured play & exploration followed by 45 minutes of free play.
Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4H, and youth groups of all kinds are invited to this special weekend! Learn how maple trees are tapped and syrup is made in a naturalist-guided tour of our sugarbush.
Learn how to attract a wide variety of cavity-nesting birds to your yard. Nest box styles, placement and maintenance will be discussed as well.
Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4H, and youth groups of all kinds are invited to this special weekend! Learn how maple trees are tapped and syrup is made in a naturalist-guided tour of our sugarbush.
We will hike to the sugarbush to tap a maple tree, taste some sap and gather around the evaporator to see how boiling sap becomes syrup.
Hike through the maple forest, trade nature-items for maple candies, complete a sappy scavenger hunt, listen to live music while you sip sap tea, or maple-sugar rimmed beer for the adults, and taste the Riveredge special, pancakes & pickles!
Strap on your hiking shoes or boots and explore this amazing space! We will learn and practice basic map and compass skills to explore the trails of Sauk Creek Nature Preserve.
Various hands-on engaging stations will be set up throughout Riveredge from Vernal Pond to the Milwaukee River to explore each of our unique water bodies!
Riveredge is seeking citizen-scientists interested in collecting data for one of the longest running amphibian monitoring efforts in North America!
These naturalist guided experiences are designed with 45 minutes of structured play & exploration followed by 45 minutes of free play.
Take a tour with a Riveredge membership representative and learn about Riveredge history, your membership, and some great places to go exploring.
We invite you to join us as we close out the maple sugarin’ season the best way we know how- with an all you can eat pancake breakfast held outside right in the middle of the Sugarbush.