Maple Syrup Supper
Maple Syrup Supper
We can’t think of a better group to celebrate the start of the maple sugarin’ season with than our awesome members!
We can’t think of a better group to celebrate the start of the maple sugarin’ season with than our awesome members!
We can’t think of a better group to celebrate the start of the maple sugarin’ season with than our awesome members!
Hike through the maple forest, trade nature-items for maple candies, complete a sappy scavenger hunt, listen to live music while you sip sap tea, or maple-sugar rimmed beer for the adults, and taste the Riveredge special, pancakes & pickles!
We invite you to join us as we close out the maple sugarin’ season the best way we know how- with an all you can eat pancake breakfast held outside right in the middle of the Sugarbush.