Breeding Season at Horicon Marsh Sponsored by the Cutright Bird Club and the Ozaukee-Washington Birding Coalition
Our meetup location will be the Park & Ride Lot at the intersection of Highway 33 and Interstate 41 (just east of Allenton); we will carpool from there to the greatest extent possible. We plan to watch eBird reports and visit areas around the marsh where the most activity has been reported. Potential sites include (Main Dike Road, Ledge Road, the east and/or west ends of Old Marsh Road, Highway 49, Marsh Haven and the auto loop — as time and weather allow). We expect to find a variety of shorebirds and water birds (ducks, rails, bitterns and herons), pelicans and raptors — as well as resident and early migrant passerines. There will likely be some hiking involved, and it could be warm, so you probably want to carry a water bottle and sunscreen.
Group limit: 22
To Register or get more information, contact trip leader Carl Schwartz at [email protected]
Registration through Ozaukee Washington Bird Coalition
Contact trip leader Carl Schwartz
[email protected] -
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