Our Mission, Vision, and Strategic Initiatives
Our Mission
To support conservation through education that awakens curiosity, engages the body, and explores connections to nature for all people.

Our Vision
Healthier human and natural communities
Strategic Initiatives

Nature-Rich Lifestyles for All
Everyone deserves equitable access to opportunities to develop nature-rich lifestyles. We strive to make this possible at Riveredge and throughout Southeastern Wisconsin by creating experiences that make learning, exploring, and enjoying the outdoors more accessible for all.

Wellness in Nature
The healing powers of nature are as important as ever for people and communities. We create opportunities for time in nature to encourage active living, inspire healthy eating, reduce stress, and promote positive mental health.

Nurturing the Next Generation
Riveredge has a strong tradition of promoting environmental literacy. We aim to build on this work and help grow the next generation of conservationists, environmental educators, and researchers, knowing it is critical to invest in, connect with, and nurture a new group of environmental stewards.

Putting Conservation Into Action
Putting conservation practices into action is essential to turn ideals into impact. Ecological restoration, research, and protection requires collective action. We continue to build connections with partners and communities to answer the call to be active, engaged stewards of our natural resources.