December 12 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Science Thursday Lecture Series: Waterbirds of the Cedarburg Bog with John O’Donnell
The Cedarburg Bog Important Bird Area (IBA) is a mosaic of dry and wet habitats. In this presentation, the primary focus will be on resident and migratory bird species using the wet habitats of the bog, e.g., cedar swamp, hardwood swamp, conifer bog, string bog, sedge meadow, willow/alder/dogwood swamp, and six glacial relict lakes surrounded by emergent vegetation. Much of the Bog has boreal features which attract species not typically breeding anywhere else in southern Wisconsin. Special attention will be given to these species as well as to recent arrival species looking for a new home.
This program is offered in-person and virtually. If joining in person, meet at Riveredge in the barn. Zoom link is found below!
Science Thursday Lecture Series are always free! | Designed for ages 18+
Pre-registration is not required, but highly recommended for the In-Person option. No registration necessary for those joining on Zoom.
Register Here to Attend at Riveredge Join the Virtual Program
December 12, 2024
1:00 pm
2:00 pm
November 15 @ 5:30 – 7:30 pm
Ozaukee Washington Bird Coalition
Owl Prowl
at Cedarburg Bog
Join the Cedarburg Bog Owl Prowl team as we search for owls. We will be looking for Barred, Great-Horned, Northern Saw-whet, and Eastern Screech-Owls for sure and maybe a rare species such as Long-eared Owl. There are no guarantees as owls can be fickle; however, we have never struck out when weather conditions are right! Bring binoculars, water, and a small flashlight. We will mostly be owling along Blue Goose Road and possibly St. Augustine Road with a few short forays off these roads into the woods and/or into the Bog itself. We will be standing in place for extended periods of time so dress warmly with good walking shoes or boots. You may want to eat a snack or early dinner before arrival. If there are strong winds, heavy precipitation, and/or severe temperatures, this outing may be postponed. The OWBC will let you know in the afternoon by email if there is a postponement.
Meet at the UWM Field Station in Saukville (address below).
Ages 18+. Free to attend. Preregistration is required through the Friends of the Cedarburg Bog website.
November 15, 2024
5:30 pm
7:30 pm
May 24 @ 6:30 am – 9:30 am
Ozaukee Washington Bird Coalition
Birding at the Bog by Canoe or Kayak
Mud Lake in the Cedarburg Bog is one of the top birding spots in the county. We’ll do about 1 mile of paddling and 1 1/2 miles of walking looking for late migrants and avian residents uncommon to rare in southeastern Wisconsin. With advanced permission a limited number of personal kayaks and canoes will be allowed. Canoes will be provided at a $10 rental fee payable at the time of the outing.
The outing starts and ends at the UW-Milwaukee Field Station (address below).
Ages 18+ | Free to attend (not including canoe rental)
Pre-registration required by May 23 at 5:00 pm.
Register at Friends of the Bog Website
May 24, 2024
6:30 am
9:30 am
May 29 @ 6:30 am – 8:30 am
OWBC: Birding the Cedarburg Bog by Canoe or Kayak
Hosted by the Friends of the Cedarburg Bog in partnership with the Ozaukee-Washington Birding Coalition
Mud Lake in the Cedarburg Bog is the largest and least visited lake in all of Ozaukee County. During this outing, we will explore Mud Lake and its surroundings in search of a true wilderness experience only 20 miles north of a major metropolis. We will also be in search of late migrants and avian residents uncommon to rare in southeastern Wisconsin. This event will include some trail walks and about 1.5 miles of paddling. Canoes are provided. A limited number of personal kayaks are allowed, but only by advance request.
Group limit: 12 | Suggested donation: $10 per person
Meet at UWM Field Station: 3095 Blue Goose Rd, Saukville, WI 53080
This event is open to the public and is sponsored by the Bog Friends. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. For directions or to register visit (click on the Events tab), send an email to [email protected], or call 262-675-6844.
Registration through Ozaukee Washington Bird Coalition
See the OWBC website for details and registration
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May 29, 2022
6:30 am
8:30 am