Garlic Mustard Pull-A-Thon
On Tuesday May 7th, 2024 from 9am-6:30pm Riveredge Nature Center will be hosting a Mustard Pull-A-Thon as a part of Southeastern Wisconsin Invasive Species Consortium’s Annual Garlic Mustard Pull-A-Thon. Learn more about SEWISC Pull-a-thon and Riveredge here!
With the help of extraordinary volunteers Riveredge will be able to reclaim a significant portion of the land at the Mayhew Woods from invasive Mustard plants.The pull-a-thon is a competition, a fundraiser, and a way for people to join together to have a positive impact on their environment. Our natural areas need your help to avoid the damage that invasives cause!
With timeslots at 9am, 11:30am, 2pm, and 4:30pm volunteers will join Riveredge staff for 2 hours of mustard pulling. All supplies will be provided! This opportunity is open to individuals and groups of up to 100 people at a time. Volunteers may be as young as 13 years old with supervision by an adult as well as a signed waiver for anyone under 18.
Pre-registration is required by May 3 at 11:55 pm.
Volunteers should park and meet at Fireman’s Park in Newburg (address below).
Please reach out to Hannah Sedgwick ([email protected]) with any questions or requested accommodations. We look forward to working with you in May!
RegistrationAges 13+
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