May 7 @ 9-11, 11:30-1:30, 2-4, 4:30-6:30
Garlic Mustard Pull-A-Thon
On Tuesday May 7th, 2024 from 9am-6:30pm Riveredge Nature Center will be hosting a Mustard Pull-A-Thon as a part of Southeastern Wisconsin Invasive Species Consortium’s Annual Garlic Mustard Pull-A-Thon. Learn more about SEWISC Pull-a-thon and Riveredge here!
With the help of extraordinary volunteers Riveredge will be able to reclaim a significant portion of the land at the Mayhew Woods from invasive Mustard plants.The pull-a-thon is a competition, a fundraiser, and a way for people to join together to have a positive impact on their environment. Our natural areas need your help to avoid the damage that invasives cause!
With timeslots at 9am, 11:30am, 2pm, and 4:30pm volunteers will join Riveredge staff for 2 hours of mustard pulling. All supplies will be provided! This opportunity is open to individuals and groups of up to 100 people at a time. Volunteers may be as young as 13 years old with supervision by an adult as well as a signed waiver for anyone under 18.
Pre-registration is required by May 3 at 11:55 pm.
Volunteers should park and meet at Fireman’s Park in Newburg (address below).
Please reach out to Hannah Sedgwick ([email protected]) with any questions or requested accommodations. We look forward to working with you in May!
Register Here
May 7, 2024
9:00 am
6:30 pm
April 20 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Research & Conservation Volunteer Fair
Are you curious about bird banding? Want to help with water quality monitoring? Interested in learning about the various species surveys conducted at Riveredge? Riveredge is hosting a Research and Conservation Volunteer Fair where we can help answer all of your questions, tell you a little bit more about volunteer expectations, and next steps!
Volunteer opportunitites presented at the fair include:
– Milwaukee River Lake Sturgeon Rehabilitation Program
– Bluebird Survey
– Water Action Volunteer Monitoring Project
– and more!
All ages welcome! Children must be accompanied by an adult
This volunteer fair is free to attend.
Pre-register by April 19 at 11:55 pm or register at the fair.
Register Here
April 20, 2024
10:00 am
12:00 pm
May 13 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Volunteer and Learn:
Herbaceous Invasive Species Management
Looking for an opportunity to get outside and volunteer at Riveredge? Please join us for a day of working and learning together as we strive to control invasive species, like garlic mustard and dames rocket, at Riveredge. Do you have invasive species in your yard or your community? Come learn how to identifiy these plants, why they damage our native landscape and what we all can do about it!
Ages 12+
Pre-registration is not required, but very appreciated.
This event is free to attend, but donations are greatly appreciated!
Register Here
May 13, 2023
9:00 am
12:00 pm
March 22 @ 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Frog and Toad Survey Orientation
Riveredge is seeking citizen-scientists interested in collecting data for one of the longest running amphibian monitoring efforts in North America, the Wisconsin Frog and Toad Survey! Coordinated by the Wisconsin DNR, this citizen science-based monitoring program helps researchers understand the status and population trends of Wisconsin’s 12 frog and toad species. At this orientation, you will learn to identify frog and toad calls, learn the survey protocol and sign up to conduct surveys. Surveys begin after sunset and are weather dependent.
Contact Jana Gedymin, [email protected], with questions.
This program is free to attend, but donations are greatly appreciated!
All ages welcome! Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Pre-registration required by March 21 at 11:59pm
Register Here
March 22, 2023
5:30 pm
7:00 pm
May 6 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Volunteer and Learn:
Herbaceous Invasive Species Management
Looking for an opportunity to get outside and volunteer at Riveredge? Please join us for a day of working and learning together as we strive to control invasive species, like garlic mustard and dames rocket, at Riveredge. Do you have invasive species in your yard or your community? Come learn how to identify these plants, why they damage our native landscape, and what we all can do about it!
Ages 12+
Pre-registration is not required, but very appreciated.
This event is free to attend, but donations are greatly appreciated!
Register Here
May 6, 2023
9:00 am
12:00 pm