OWBC: Wood Duck Nest Box Monitoring

January 28 @ 9:30 am – 12:00 pm

Ozaukee Washington Bird Coalition Wood Duck Nest Box Monitoring at Mequon Nature Preserve

Join Nick Gall, Ecological Restoration Manager of Mequon Nature Preserve (MNP), as he monitors the nest boxes in the restored wetlands around the Mequon Nature Preserve. As we hike over the frozen wetlands, we will check the wood duck houses and document the nest box activity that occurred during the previous breeding season.

Winter is a great time to revisit the nest boxes to take species inventory and clean and replace wood shavings in preparation for the coming breeding season as most of the hard-to-reach areas will be frozen and much more accessible. The data collected in regards to nest success will give insight into the usage of the restored wetlands as plant succession and reforestation activities progress. Along with checking the boxes, we will discuss the does and don’ts of installing and maintaining wood duck houses on your own property as well as other species of bird that may use the boxes throughout the year.

This family-friendly (ages 12+) event will occur unless inclement winter weather prevents safe road travel. If snow levels are deep, MNP will provide snowshoes for easier hiking. Hiking up to two miles will be expected.

Meet at the Pieper Power Education Center at 8200 W County Line Rd., Mequon, Wisconsin. We will begin hiking no later than 10:00 am.

Contact Nick Gall at [email protected] with any questions.

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January 28, 2023 @ 9:30 am 12:00 pm

8200 W. County Line Road
Mequon, WI 53097 United States
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OWBC: Wood Duck Nest Box Monitoring

RESCHEDULED for January 28

Ozaukee Washington Bird Coalition Wood Duck Nest Box Monitoring at Mequon Nature Preserve

This program has been rescheduled for January 28.

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January 7, 2023 @ 9:30 am 12:00 pm

8200 W. County Line Road
Mequon, WI 53097 United States
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Ozaukee Washington Bird Coalition

February 2, 2022 @ 7:00 pm 8:30 pm

close up of a single male wood duck standing on snow

What’s Up With Wood Ducks? What Research Is telling Us about the Wood Duck Population, Nesting Boxes, and Disease Ecology In the Atlantic Flyway

Wood Ducks are a highly popular and beautiful species of waterfowl in both the Atlantic and Mississippi Flyways; and, as such, folks usually want to know how they are doing and where they are going. In the Atlantic Flyway, research is lacking on the status of artificial nest boxes with Wood Duck populations as well as on the possibility of pathogens lurking within nest boxes which could have a negative impact on the ability of hens being able to hatch their young. Join Jake Shurba of Clemson University as he shares with us the wonderful world of Wood Ducks and addresses whether or not nest boxes are a healthy environment for this species in the 21st century and management tools which could be used to minimize microbial impacts on Wood Duck eggs.

Jake Shurba is a graduate student affiliated with the Clemson University Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center in South Carolina. Headquartered at the Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science along the Waccamaw Neck, the Kennedy center is the first endowed waterfowl and wetlands conservation center along the 3000 mile Atlantic Flyway.

Join us by Zoom at 7 PM on Wednesday February 2, 2021. This program is being presented by the Mequon Nature Preserve and is co-sponsored by the Ozaukee-Washington Birding Coalition, a consortium of environmental organizations consisting of the Mequon Nature Preserve, the Friends of the Cedarburg Bog, the Riveredge Nature Center, and the Lac Lawrann Conservancy.

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85853677919?pwd=Smk1TEM4TWZMMWdQWGk3cWJJbzEvdz09

Meeting ID: 858 5367 7919

Passcode: 161421

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February 2, 2022
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
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300 Schmidt Rd
West Bend, WI 53090 United States
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