Reports from the Field

Bug o’the Week – Monarch Butterfly Rerun

Howdy, BugFans, The BugLady saw her first monarch butterfly about 10 days ago, and today saw the first on her property.  Here’s a rerun from two years ago on the […]


Bug o’the Week – Festive Tiger Beetle

Howdy, BugFans, The BugLady has been enjoying the company of these lovely beetles on her walks over the prairie at Riveredge recently (no, despite the recent rash of Riveredge-based episodes, […]


Bug o’the Week – Thin-legged Wolf Spider

Howdy, BugFans, The BugLady likes spiders, and she can even hail a number of species by name when she meets them, but she’s never applied herself to their taxonomy, and […]


Bug o’the Week – Midland Clubtail Dragonfly

Howdy, BugFans, The BugLady has been checking the Wisconsin Odonata Survey website religiously ( to see if the dragonfly season has commenced, and she is pleased to announce that it […]


Bug o’the Week – Red-tailed Mining bee

Greetings, BugFans, The BugLady visited Riveredge Nature Center recently looking for adventure, and she found it even before she hit the trails.  A dozen or so mining bees were flying […]


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