Photo Club meetings are friendly and informal, with a brief discussion of upcoming activities, a short program and the opportunity to share and discuss photos.
At Riveredge, we believe that nature is an essential partner in fostering mindfulness and connection. Our spring yoga programs are crafted to inspire a deep sense of well-being and harmony with the natural world.
Start your day with an early bird walk with Conservation Manager, Nathaniel Reinartz, to observe the amazing diversity of migrating birds that stop off to refuel at Riveredge’s hotspots before continuing on their journey north.
Scouts can explore trees from a new perspective, search a scavenger hunt along the trails, participate in a naturalist-led hands-on nature investigation, and enjoy access to picnic areas for lunch.
The Lion’s Den Gorge field trip will offer you good birding through a variety of habitats in a major migration corridor in this 73-acre public park adjacent to Lake Michigan south of Port Washington.
SOS! A Riveredge Naturalist has been cooped up in the Coop near Farm Pond and is looking for some curious folks to listen to all they've learned about the landscape around them.
Explore Mud Lake and its surroundings by canoe in search of a true wilderness experience only 20 miles north of a major urban metropolis. We will be looking for late migrants and avian residents uncommon to rare in southeastern Wisconsin.
Start your day with an early bird walk with Conservation Manager, Nathaniel Reinartz, to observe the amazing diversity of migrating birds that stop off to refuel at Riveredge’s hotspots before continuing on their journey north.
Birders will scour Riveredge's 485 acres of diverse prairies, forests, wetlands, ponds, and trails along Milwaukee River banks to tally the resident and transient birds during the peak of spring migration.
This event is a fun, exercise-based yoga class for children that includes poses, breathing, and creative activities activities. We’ll practice with a partner, do group poses and play fun yoga games.
Start birding on Thursday from the Southern Kettle Moraine State Forest across the state to La Crosse where on Saturday participants can attend the WSO convention or head home.
Start your day with an early bird walk with Conservation Manager, Nathaniel Reinartz, to observe the amazing diversity of migrating birds that stop off to refuel at Riveredge’s hotspots before continuing on their journey north.
Start your day with an early bird walk with Conservation Manager, Nathaniel Reinartz, to observe the amazing diversity of migrating birds that stop off to refuel at Riveredge’s hotspots before continuing on their journey north.
Photo Club meetings are friendly and informal, with a brief discussion of upcoming activities, a short program and the opportunity to share and discuss photos.