Frog and Toad Survey Orientation
Riveredge is seeking citizen-scientists interested in collecting data for one of the longest running amphibian monitoring efforts in North America, the Wisconsin Frog and Toad Survey! Coordinated by the Wisconsin DNR, this citizen science-based monitoring program helps researchers understand the status and population trends of Wisconsin’s 12 frog and toad species. At this orientation, you will learn to identify frog and toad calls, learn the survey protocol and sign up to conduct surveys. Surveys begin after sunset and are weather dependent.
Contact Jana Gedymin, [email protected], with questions.
This program is free to attend, but donations are greatly appreciated!
All ages welcome! Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Pre-registration required by March 21 at 11:59pm
RegistrationAll ages welcome!
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Children must be accompanied by an adult.
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