Bug o’the Week – And Now for Something a Little Different XVI – Turkey Vulture

Bug o’the Week
by Kate Redmond

Bug o’the Week And Now for Something a Little Different XVI – Turkey Vulture

Howdy BugFans,

The BugLady hangs out on a tower by Lake Michigan from the beginning of September until the end of November, logging migrating raptors as they navigate south along the shoreline (up until this week, she was still seeing a few Monarchs and Common Green Darners, too).  She already misses the comforting presence of Turkey Vultures – 99.9% of this fall’s migrating Vultures have made their way past the hawk tower – she loves looking way out over the fields and seeing them rocking back and forth over the woods, taking care of business.

She wrote this biography for the newsletter of the Lake Michigan Bird Observatory (the organization formerly known as the Western Great Lakes Bird and Bat Observatory), an organization that would appreciate your support.

A sit on the hawk tower in mid-October of 2021 turned out to be a religious experience. Though they are not technically birds of prey, we do include migrating Turkey Vultures (TVs) in our Hawk Count, and of the 789 raptors of 10 species that passed by the tower on that amazing day, almost half were TVs! The vultures approached in groups of 15 to 30 birds, circling on warm updrafts as they moved south. As one group passed, two or three more could be seen approaching us from the north.  

Turkey Vultures get their name from dark plumage and bald, red heads that are reminiscent of Wild Turkeys. They’re also called buzzards. “Vulture” probably comes from the Latin “vellere,” which means “to pluck or tear,” and their scientific name, Cathartes aura, means “golden purifier or cleanser” (being eaten by a vulture after death was believed in some cultures to cleanse and release one’s soul). The Cherokees referred to TVs as “Peace Eagles” because although they look like eagles, Turkey Vultures don’t kill their food.    

Turkey Vultures are one of six species in the New World Vulture family Cathartidae, and they are not related to the vultures of Europe and Asia. Three of those New World species — the TV, Black Vulture, and California Condor — are found in the US. Turkey Vultures are the most widespread of our vultures, found from southern Canada into South America, and data suggest that their range is spreading to the north.

They’re generally found in open or semi-open country rather than in heavily wooded areas, and they are tolerant of human activity and of landscapes altered by man. Construction of Wisconsin’s interstate highway system began in the late 1940’s, and one source pointed to the subsequent increase in road kills as a cause of higher numbers of TVs here in the second half of the 20th century.   

These are big birds, with bodies about 30” long and wingspans of six feet. They are about three-quarters the size of a Bald Eagle, but at a maximum of four pounds, they are less than half an eagle’s weight, and they lack the strong, gripping talons of eagles and hawks. Most of their feathers are dark brownish gray, and in flight, the leading edge of their wing is dark and the trailing edge is silvery. Males and females look the same, and young TVs have gray heads. They do lots of soaring and not much flapping, their wings held in a wide “V” called a dihedral for stability, and they often tip back and forth.  

Turkey Vultures don’t have a voice box (syrinx), so their vocalizations are mainly grunts https://www.audubon.org/field-guide/bird/turkey-vulture and hisses https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Turkey_Vulture/sounds that are used to startle intruders. 

Although they bathe frequently, people who get close to them will testify that vultures stink — partly because of their diet, and partly because when they’re hot, they excrete urine on their legs, which cools them as it evaporates and also disinfects their legs (it’s called “urohydrosis“).  

TVs are scavengers (“recyclers”) that mostly feed on dead mammals, though they will eat other dead vertebrates, and they are thought to eat more than 100 pounds of meat a year. They also feed on vegetation. They use their keen eyesight to locate carcasses, but vultures are also one of the few birds that have a good sense of smell, and they count on both senses as they fly low over roads and fields (and dumps and dumpsters) — they can sift out the odor of decay from a mile away. Like owls, they spit up pellets of indigestible bones and fur. TVs rarely take live prey, but Black Vultures do kill some newborn livestock and the occasional small pet.  

The amazing thing about Turkey Vultures’ food habits is that no matter how old the carcass or how riddled it is with bacteria, botulism, cholera, or other such organisms, their immune systems protect them from getting sick. Even more amazing is the fact that pathogens that are neutralized by the vultures’ highly acidic digestive juices (the pH is less than 1) are not present in their droppings! And, according to an article on the National Audubon Society website, “immensely powerful acids in the vultures’ gut begin digesting the flesh so thoroughly that they even destroy the prey’s DNA.” In addition, while they destroy some microbes, the birds apparently filter out some of the ingested bacteria and put it to work in their guts. The end result is that vultures reduce the amount of highly toxic pathogens in the environment, so, the cultural idea of being cleansed by being eaten by a Turkey Vulture has some biological truth.

During courtship, a group of TVs gather on the ground and hop around in a circle in a stylized dance with their wings spread (something this writer would dearly like to see!). They also perform “follow flights” in which one bird leads the other through elaborate aerial maneuvers. Pairs stay together for a long time, both on their breeding and their wintering grounds. 

Turkey Vultures lay one to three eggs in a slight depression that they scrape into the ground under bushes, in caves, hollow logs, and old buildings. They will use abandoned hawk nests, and they’ll reuse successful nest sites. Incubation lasts about five weeks, and after they hatch, the chicks are fed regurgitated food by both parents. They can fly at nine or ten weeks and are soon independent.

While their populations seem to be stable, Turkey Vultures are susceptible to collisions with power lines and other structures, with fences, and with cars as they gather at road kills. Poisoned baits, lead shot ingested from dead animals, and deliberate shootings are also mortality factors. They are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. 

Fun Facts about Turkey Vultures:

  • Through the years, the New World vultures have been classified with the falcons, with the storks and herons, and in their own order, but the latest DNA-sequencing seems to put them, for now, with the non-falcon birds of prey. 
  • When predators approach, TVs, young and old alike, defend themselves by projectile vomiting, sending a stream of caustic, semi-digested rotten meat as far as 10 feet away.
  • They may perch with wings outspread to warm up in the morning, to cool off during a hot day, or to dry wet feathers.
  • TVs like company –- they roost, soar, and migrate with other TVs. 
  • They are smart and curious, and in captivity will play games with their caretakers (in Wisconsin, you must be licensed to take a wild animal from the wild).

The BugLady is looking forward to their return in spring.

Kate Redmond, The BugLady

Bug of the Week archives:

Family Nature Club: Signs of Spring

April 17 @ 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Family Nature Club: Signs of Spring

Welcome the season by listening for birds, smelling flowers, looking for critters, and enjoying the beauty spring has to offer. This nature club will gather at Ellwood H. May Environmental Park in Maywood.

Family Nature Club is a free offering to our community designed for kids ages 5-12 and their families. We facilitate outdoor, environmental-education based experiences for families to enjoy together.

Pre-registration is highly recommended, but not required.

This event is free to attend, but donations are greatly appreciated!

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April 17, 2023 @ 5:30 pm 7:00 pm

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Sheboygan, WI 53083 United States
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Birdathon – Bandathon

May 13 @ 6:00 am – 1:00 pm

Birdathon – Bandathon

How many species of birds will be signing and displaying on Riveredge’s 450+ acres at the peak of spring migration? Let’s find out!

Witness the Riveredge bird banding station in action. See how resident songbirds are mist-netted and gently banded by licensed bird banders. Find out how their research is providing us with estimates of the number of resident and migrant birds who call the Center their home. Observers are welcome at any of the banding sessions (weather permitting). Signs will direct visitors to the banding stations.

We also encourage you to bird on your own and see how many species you can spot! This event is free, but we greatly appreciate donations to support the Noel J. Cutright Bird Club.

Want to Participate?

Email Al Sherkow at al@sherkow.com if you are interested in observing the bird banding.

Email Carl Schwartz at cschwartz3@wi.rr.com to register and get additional information on participating on a team in the bird count.

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  • FREE Outdoor All-terrain Wheelchairs Available

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May 13, 2023 @ 6:00 am 1:00 pm

4458 County Hwy Y (Hawthorne Dr)
Saukville, WI United States
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(262) 375-2715

Bird Banding Orientation and Refresher (2 Days)

May 6 & 7 @ 7:00 am – 11:00 am

Bird Banding Orientation and Refresher (2 Days)

Would you like to be involved in wildlife research? Have you ever wanted to see a wild bird up close? If you answered yes, then this program is for you! Bird banding is an important research technique that helps scientists study the health, longevity and population dynamics of wild birds which informs conservation decisions. Common banding methodology includes humanely capturing birds, placing a lightweight “bracelet” with a unique number ID on their leg, documenting observations (e.g. breeding condition, age, sex) and taking measurements (e.g. wing/tail length, weight). If you are new to bird banding, attend this orientation to learn what bird banding is and how you can get involved in projects at Riveredge.

This 2-day orientation involves an indoor classroom day and an outdoor banding demonstration day.  Returning volunteers (those that regularly attend any of the bird banding efforts at Riveredge) are encouraged to attend this orientation as a refresher. 

Recommended for new banding volunteers; One-time fee: $30 (members), $40 (non-members)

FREE for returning banding volunteers. Make sure to create an account using your email we have on file to get the discount online.

Ages 15+

Pre-registration required by May 1 at 11:59pm

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    Ages 15+ only
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    Non-members: $40
    Returning banders: Free

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Banding at Riveredge

Since 1999, Riveredge Nature Center has participated in the Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) continent-wide bird banding program that studies birds in the summer during the breeding season. This effort, under the license of Master Bird Bander Jana Gedymin, relies on a team of dedicated volunteers that have gone through a specific training process to learn the skills required to safely band birds.  This course is the place to start if you are new. 

Becoming an Official Banding Station Volunteer

Incoming banding volunteers begin as observers and will have the opportunity to play a more active role handling birds with experience.  We require an investment of three (3) banding sessions (2023 dates listed below), and vetting/approval  from the Master Bander to ensure the safety of wildlife and volunteer readiness. Advancement through the training process is dependent upon skill level, interest and time commitment. 

Volunteer roles include:

  • Observer (Watch and learn)
  • Surveyor (Document birds detected during banding sessions)
  • Site Assistant (Set-up and take-down of mist nets and equipment)
  • Scribe (Document banding data in the field)
  • Extractor (Retrieve birds from mist nets)
  • Bander (Identify, band and assess birds)
  • Data Compiler (Transfer hand-written scribe data to electronic database post-session) 

Upon successful completion of this orientation and Master Bander approval, new volunteers will be invited to attend MAPS and demo banding sessions at Riveredge where they will begin learning the art of banding in the field. 

MAPS Banding 2023 dates: 

  • Thursday June 8th (9th backup)
  • Thursday June 15th (16th backup)
  • Thursday June 22nd (23rd backup)
  • Thursday July 6th (7th backup)
  • Thursday July 13th (14th backup)
  • Thursday July 20th (21st backup)
  • Thursday August 3rd (4th backup)

Demo Banding 2023 dates: 

  • Saturday May 20th 
  • Fall (August/September) 1-4 sessions; dates TBD

Contact Jana Gedymin for more information: [email protected]

Members and returning volunteers:

Be sure to sign in to your account in the upper right corner to activate your membership benefits. Membership discounts on programs will be applied to your cart at checkout. If you haven’t created an account with our new system, be sure to create one using the email address associated with your membership.

If you need to check your membership status or you aren’t sure what email address we have on file, please reach out to our Membership Manager, Renee Buchholz at [email protected].

To become a member, click here

May 6, 2023 @ 7:00 am May 7, 2023 @ 11:00 am

4458 County Hwy Y (Hawthorne Dr)
Saukville, WI United States
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(262) 375-2715

Ozaukee Washington Bird Coalition

May 14 @ 8:00 am – 9:30 am

Ozaukee Washington Bird Coalition

Hummingbird Banding Demo

Many people, even those who would not describe themselves as “birders,” love viewing hummingbirds each summer. Join bander Mickey O’Connor, an avian zookeeper at the Milwaukee County Zoo, to learn about the special equipment and techniques she uses to band hummingbirds all over Wisconsin. She’ll also explain how to how the data she collects can be used to track their age, health and migration.

Pre-registration not required.

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May 14, 2022 @ 8:00 am 9:30 am

4458 County Hwy Y (Hawthorne Dr)
Saukville, WI United States
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(262) 375-2715

Ozaukee Washington Bird Coalition

April 19 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Ozaukee Washington Bird Coalition

Woodcock Wander

Join local bird expert Dan Panetti, owner of Wild Birds Unlimited – Mequon, on a Woodcock Wander around the Mequon Nature Preserve. Spring is a great time to view these otherwise secretive birds which are related to other shorebird species such as the Wilson’s snipe. While this species is considered a shorebird, their name ‘woodcock’, or ‘timberdoodle’, implies that they are most frequent in young deciduous woodlands in and around forest openings and ephemeral ponds. MNP’s diverse habitats make this preserve the perfect place to witness their unusual behavior. In spring, woodcocks can be heard and seen partaking in their breeding rituals which includes arial courtship displays by the male. You often hear the bird before seeing this camouflaged species. Listening for their call, or “peent”, is the most effective way to locate the birds in the springtime.

See below for more details

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Woodcock Wander

Join local bird expert Dan Panetti, owner of Wild Birds Unlimited – Mequon, on a Woodcock Wander around the Mequon Nature Preserve. Spring is a great time to view these otherwise secretive birds which are related to other shorebird species such as the Wilson’s snipe. While this species is considered a shorebird, their name ‘woodcock’, or ‘timberdoodle’, implies that they are most frequent in young deciduous woodlands in and around forest openings and ephemeral ponds. MNP’s diverse habitats make this preserve the perfect place to witness their unusual behavior. In spring, woodcocks can be heard and seen partaking in their breeding rituals which includes arial courtship displays by the male. You often hear the bird before seeing this camouflaged species. Listening for their call, or “peent”, is the most effective way to locate the birds in the springtime.

The event will include a short talk about woodcock ecology and life history by Dan Panetti, followed by a hike through MNP at dusk in search of this interesting species partaking in their courtship behavior. We will convene on Tuesday, April 19th at 6:30 PM (rain date of April 21st) at the MNP Education Center located at 8200 W. County Line Rd. Mequon.

This program is being presented by the Mequon Nature Preserve and is co-sponsored by the Ozaukee-Washington Birding Coalition, a consortium of environmental organizations consisting of the Mequon Nature Preserve, the Friends of the Cedarburg Bog, the Riveredge Nature Center, the Lac Lawrann Conservancy, and the Cutright Bird Club.

Please register at the link below as there are only 25 spots available.


April 19, 2022 @ 6:30 pm 8:30 pm

8200 W. County Line Road
Mequon, WI 53097 United States
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Ozaukee Washington Bird Coalition

March 2 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Ozaukee Washington Bird Coalition

Tune In: Birding by Ear

Tune In! Just as it sounds…pun intended. Join DNR wildlife educator, Liz Herzmann, to practice identifying birds by their song. We all know birds can be beautiful by sight, but have you ever really taken the time to learn their songs and calls? Whose call sounds like “cheeseburger” or “drink your tea”? Each species has unique sounds that make identifying birds by ear a unique and challenging way to birdwatch. Many expert birders do not even need a pair of binoculars as they can identify nearly all bird species by ear. Learn about the difference between songs and calls, what to listen for and test your own skills. This program is great for all skill levels and will be a perfect way to prepare for the upcoming spring season as the birds begin calling!

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Meeting ID: 857 2638 5920
Passcode: 051888

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March 2, 2022 @ 7:00 pm 8:00 pm

Ozaukee Washington Bird Coalition

April 6 @ 7 – 8:30 PM

Ozaukee Washington Bird Coalition

Project Snowstorm

Banding and Tracking of Snowy Owls and Red-shouldered Hawks in Wisconsin: Where Were They Before and Where Are They Going Next?

Gene Jacobs, researcher and raptor specialist affiliated with the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, has been capturing and banding owls and hawks of all kinds for more than 50 years. Join us in person at 7 PM on April 6, 2022 at Lac Lawrann Conservancy where Gene will share some of his most remarkable findings about these two birds of prey. (Note: Gene may be accompanied by a very special feathered guest!)

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Project Snowstorm

Banding and Tracking of Snowy Owls and Red-shouldered Hawks in Wisconsin: Where Were They Before and Where Are They Going Next?

Every winter, Snowy Owls drift down into our fair State in search of food and maybe also adventure(!?!) Not too long ago hundreds of “”Snowies”” were scattered across the Wisconsin landscape. Will we have another irruption in 2022? This charismatic species of Harry Potter legend has captured the hearts and imaginations of Wisconsinites who have been lucky enough to have seen one in the wild. What drives these irruptions and where do these iconic birds go from here? Red-shouldered Hawks, another iconic species, are resident breeders in some areas of the state but rare elsewhere. So what’s their story? Where are they headed to as the Snowy Owl descends and what is their pattern of movement across the land?

Gene Jacobs, researcher and raptor specialist affiliated with the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, has been capturing and banding owls and hawks of all kinds for more than 50 years. Join us in person or by Zoom at 7 PM on January 5, 2022 at Lac Lawrann Conservancy where Gene will share some of his most remarkable findings about these two birds of prey. (Note: Gene may be accompanied by a very special feathered guest!)

April 6, 2022 @ 7:00 pm 8:30 pm

300 Schmidt Rd
West Bend, WI 53090 United States
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Ozaukee Washington Bird Coalition

February 2, 2022 @ 7:00 pm 8:30 pm

close up of a single male wood duck standing on snow

What’s Up With Wood Ducks? What Research Is telling Us about the Wood Duck Population, Nesting Boxes, and Disease Ecology In the Atlantic Flyway

Wood Ducks are a highly popular and beautiful species of waterfowl in both the Atlantic and Mississippi Flyways; and, as such, folks usually want to know how they are doing and where they are going. In the Atlantic Flyway, research is lacking on the status of artificial nest boxes with Wood Duck populations as well as on the possibility of pathogens lurking within nest boxes which could have a negative impact on the ability of hens being able to hatch their young. Join Jake Shurba of Clemson University as he shares with us the wonderful world of Wood Ducks and addresses whether or not nest boxes are a healthy environment for this species in the 21st century and management tools which could be used to minimize microbial impacts on Wood Duck eggs.

Jake Shurba is a graduate student affiliated with the Clemson University Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center in South Carolina. Headquartered at the Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science along the Waccamaw Neck, the Kennedy center is the first endowed waterfowl and wetlands conservation center along the 3000 mile Atlantic Flyway.

Join us by Zoom at 7 PM on Wednesday February 2, 2021. This program is being presented by the Mequon Nature Preserve and is co-sponsored by the Ozaukee-Washington Birding Coalition, a consortium of environmental organizations consisting of the Mequon Nature Preserve, the Friends of the Cedarburg Bog, the Riveredge Nature Center, and the Lac Lawrann Conservancy.

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85853677919?pwd=Smk1TEM4TWZMMWdQWGk3cWJJbzEvdz09

Meeting ID: 858 5367 7919

Passcode: 161421

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February 2, 2022
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
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300 Schmidt Rd
West Bend, WI 53090 United States
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