Student Research Symposium Nature, Culture, Future
Generously sponsored by The Nature Conservancy, Dennis Miller, and the School of Freshwater Sciences
Come learn about new, fascinating research from students, recent graduates, and young professionals. This year’s theme is “Nature, Culture, Future.” Presenters will share their work in biology, environmental science, chemistry, geology, and other sciences. Awards will be presented to the strongest presentations!
Enjoy bagels and coffee as we welcome all presenters and audience members. We will then move into two sessions of student research including the following titles:
- Enhancing the Aquaculture Potential and Stocking of Walleye (Sander vitreus) Through Management of Feed Nutrition
- On the causes of rapid divergent evolution of mating structures in sepsid flies (Diptera: Sepsidae): Male front legs as stimulation devices
- Effects of dietary carbohydrate-lipid ratios on growth performance, health, and stress tolerance of juvenile Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens)
- Function of Spontaneous Signals in Female Enchenopa Treehoppers
- Behavioral Ecology of the three female White-Faced Capuchin Monkey troop of Alturas Wildlife
- Aposematic Mimicry: Morphological Survey of Tiger Moth Subtribes Euchromiina & Ctenuchina
- Personality affects female mate choice: frogs displaying more consistent bold behaviors are choosier
- Do birds care about trees?
- How Pholcus phalangioides Cellar Spiders (Araneae: Pholcidae) Solve Prey Capture Problems
- Mapping Spatio-Temporal Phenological changes in vegetation across NEON’s Great Lake Region
- How do geographies of intervention match up with geographies of exposure?
- Estrogen levels in water samples from wastewater treatment plant influent and effluent, Pigeon Creek, and Lake Michigan.
Keynote speaker Lauren Cirino, PhD will present “To be or not to be monogamous: Sexual selection in two different mating systems.”
Pizza will be provided for lunch! Please indicate food allergies and dietary restrictions when you register.
Pre-registration is required by November 10 at 11:59 pm for non-presenters.
Student Presenter: $15
Supporter registration by November 3: $5
Supporter registration after November 3: $7 WALK-INS ARE WELCOME!
Children under 12: free (must be accompanied by an adult)
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Event Calendar
Presenters: You must email the following information to Jana Gedymin by November 1 to have your abstract considered. You will know if your submission is accepted by November 2. After your abstract is confirmed, please register with the link above by November 10 at 11:59 pm. Presentations will be held at Riveredge Nature Center surrounded by 485 acres of prairie, wetland, woodland, and Milwaukee River frontage.
- Subject Line: RNC Abstract 2023_[your last name]
- Your name and pronouns
- Your school, major/focus, grad/undergrad
- Are you choosing an oral presentation (15-20 minutes) or a poster?
- Title of presentation or poster
- Approximately 250 word description of the research